Monday, April 11, 2011

Eco-Friendly Wine Company

Eco-friendly printing and design for wine bottles.

Sleek design with using recycled paper that reduces carbon footprint. Design either a pamphlet or website for company. Maybe using recycled glass from old wine bottles? Make sure packaging is sophisticated and smart.


·       A website or pamphlet for the company printed out on recycled paper.
·       Design that relates to Eco-friendly products and ideas.
·       Wine that will be highlighted will be, red: Merlot, Zinfandel, Shiraz and Chardonnay.


Product may change or vary over time. This is a rough estimate for what will happen over the course of the term.

Week 2:
Figure out name and product design. Research vineyards and other eco-friendly wine companies.

Week 3:
Have logo and name figured out. Look for materials.

Week 4:
Start designing layout of either website or pamphlet. Maybe even both depending on if I find a good website tutorial.

Week 5:
Have full design fleshed out for bottles and chocolates. Write descriptions about wine and chocolate parings.

Week 6:
Talk to eco-friendly printing companies and costs. Also go to vineyards to take photos for pamphlet or website.

Week 7:
Have most of project finished: pamphlet and/or website, wine bottles, and chocolate designed and packaged together. Make adjustments if needed.

Week 8:
Take photos for website and/or pamphlet design. Finish that up.

Week 9:
Make sure everything is properly printed. Do test prints to make sure if everything looks polished. Everything must be eco-friendly and cost effective.  Everything must be packaged and finalized.

Week 10:


  1. I like your idea, but it needs more specificity. I think you should use the same style or logo for each type of bottle, but make something different or unique for each one. Like a different color, or whatever. Also, there should be an informative brochure or something that illustrates how it is eco-friendly.

  2. This sounds like a great idea and looking at your progress it seems to be coming along nicely. The name, logo, and font all fit well together. Have you thought about making some sort of wine bag to go with it? That might be an extra add on if you have left over time after you finish the bottles and the pamphlet.
