Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Winter (Merlot)

Fall (Shiraz)

Spring (Zinfandel) 

Summer (Chardonnay)

Paragraph about the winery and the name:
Eco-friendly organic wine is named "Tree Hugger's Wine," because this organic wine not only uses trees for the barrels, but seeks to sustain the existing trees we use. The organic products that are used in the vineyards will not only create delicious wine, but also sustain the health of the forest and the eco-system. 

I decided to change my direction for the wine bottles. I assigned each bottle a solstice season and a color. I will have four bottles of wine, fall (red), winter (white), spring (green) and summer (orange/yellow). I will be using the images above to reference what my designs will look like. I am making similar images as the ones shown above, except they will all be one color sort of like cut outs/silhouettes. The image below is an idea for what I might be doing for the bottles.

I am will design a 4-6 page spread pamphlet for the winery, explaining why people should choose organic and eco-friendly wineries. It will also include the process of making wine, and some sketches or photos of the winery. I was thinking I would have the first page be transparent with text and the second page be a wine bottle, creating two layers for the pamphlet. I will be doing more research this week. I may reference an actual winery to make this seem more tangible. 


  1. I am glad to see that your wine product now with a specific focus. I do think you may need to know/understand the tree huger people better/deeper to develop meaningful designs.

  2. I like the second to last font on the first picture of this post! I like where this is going!

  3. Not all of these are great, but they might spark some inspiration



  4. Nice project. I think that this eco-friendly thing has rubbed off on the whole class, because most of us are going this direction. Nice work so far and I enjoyed looking at some of the GD work that inspires you. I really look forward to seeing the final project.
