Monday, April 11, 2011


Friends idea for my design lable

Rough sketch on illustrator what it could look like.

 Here are some ideas for the design:
  •  Trees and roots (Things growing on the roots? Maybe mechanical objects that relate to solar power or wind power machines.)  
  • Growing plants from a pot?  
  • Pun or joke about tree huggers?

Possible elements for each wine:

  • Earth/soil – merlot  
  • Water – Riesling    
  • Fire – zinfandel  
  • Wind – shiraz 

I'd like to some how incorporate these elements, however, I may change my mind. I'm wanting to create a design that is effective and that relates to the environment. I can't decide yet if I want to make the bottle catchy and funny or classy and elegant. Either way, I want people to enjoy my design and make it look "cool."  I'm honestly having a creative block. Any suggestions?


  1. If you're having trouble deciding which direction your design should take, you might want to explore each of them a bit. Keep in mind that even ironic or humorous ideas should maintain a certain level of professionalism. I really like your idea about the multiple elements!

  2. the white tree graphic on black bottle looks minimalistic yet organic. maybe a good direction. i like the idea of a wine product for tree huggers but the name of the wine could be more interesting, implied and indirect. i guess pun or joke in a good way could work, too.

  3. I think a good blend of humorous and sophisticated would work well here. I like the handcrafted nature of your design so far, it'd be nice to resonate that aesthetic as much as possible as it may reach your desired audience more effectively. The simplicity on the wine bottles looks good, but it'd be interesting to see if you can push that style to a even more dynamic/layered level in your brochure, while still retaining the clean atmosphere.
